Taking Body Measurements

You probably have an idea of what your measurements are, but rather than guessing, why not try and get an accurate measurement.

Taking Body Measurements

Taking Body Measurements

You can always get an accurate reading without having to visit a taylor when handling the measuring tape yourself. No doubt taking your measurements for buying clothing or clothes design are needed but also these measurements can give you an understanding of how well you are doing in terms of building muscle, how a diet plan is going, changes in your body from getting fit or generally working out your healthly weight to fat ratio. All our pages concerning different body measurements can be navigated to on the left.

When recording your dimensions only use a material tape measure. Importantly, when you are measuring your chest, waist, hips, legs, arms or any other circular measurement, the tape is level and not too tight or too loose, it should feel comfortable. Also make sure you are measuring yourself over your skin and not over your clothes unless stated in our guide for mens suits measurements. Always remember to write all the measurements down, all the numbers are easily forgotten! You will also more than likely need some help as some parts of the body are hard to measure by yourself.

On top of taking accurate measurements, just by looking in a full length mirror you can also get a basic understanding on your body shape type. Once you figure out your shape you will have also better understanding of what to wear and what looks good.

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